Barcelona Code School

Just coding, no nonsense / Est. 2015

Things our students build

Taking a bootcamp is a big decision which can transform your life and set on the path of being a developer or UX designer. One of the questions we get is "what am I going to be able to do after the bootcamp actually?".

"Getting to a job-ready level and becoming employable as a junior developer or UX designer" is the answer which is 100% correct and yet might sound a bit abstract.

Here is 👉 the showcase of some of the students projects built during the bootcamp 👈. As most of the students we have are coming from the unrelated backgrounds without any coding experience and they start learning to code with the pre-course we think those apps look pretty impressive.

Though we have a list of suggested projects to build we always encourage students to implement their own idea.

And it could be anything. The only criteria is that it should be efficient in terms of learning -- not too simple, not unachievable hard. Ideally it has to have all the important core features reusable in almost any project such as:

-- user authentication (sign up, log in, log out, user roles) so we can decide what functionality and content to show to different kinds of users would it be a guest user, a registered user, an admin, etc...

-- online payments which is important part to learn since it's needed in one or another form for most of commercial apps

-- having a server with a database for persistent storage of data and interchanging it between users if needed

-- implementing email notifications/confirmations which is crucial for any app with user accounts

-- consuming data from external APIs (there is a million of datasets available in the world for anything you can imagine and we can benefit by using this data

Once the project idea is confirmed and the scope of functionality is defined with your mentors the fun begins -- working on making it live! This process of making something out of pure idea is probably the most enjoyable part of being a developer.

With it's full-time in-person format the most efficient bootcamp for those willing to change careers and become a web/mobile developer is Web / Mobile Development Bootcamp.

The incredible progress in such a short time is possible thanks to the constant interaction and support from the mentors on-site, beginner-centered structure of curriculum and lot's of coding practicing -- you will spend about 80% of time writing code with our guidance 🚀.

And of course our JavaScript Full-Stack Online Mentored Bootcamp with the same curriculum, scope and outcomes as the in-person one is starting every other week. It has less interaction with the mentors where guidance is provided via the support platform for questions/answers, weekly personal sessions and Slack chat. The benefits are the possibility of taking it remotely, more flexible schedule for 13 and 16 weeks and the cost.

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